Before I begin, quick warning: Any male readers may want to think twice before reading the following post as it contains the word 'period' more than once..
Ok fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.
I have weird dreams. I have done as long as I can remember. This is not very exciting I know, as I realise I am not alone in having bizarre dreams. People constantly bore one another by relaying their dreams the next day in technicolor and surround sound- there is rarely anything more tedious than hearing someone witter on about what nonsense was swirling around in their head from the night before. (Except for maybe viewing someone else's holiday photos.. YAWN).
Anyway, the unusual thing I've found over the years is just how bizarre my dreams become when it's my 'time of the month'. When I'm due my period my dreams become nightmarish films that even once waking follow me around all day with images that even though I've imagined them, I can't get out of my head. Most of these dreams are graphic. Either sexually graphic or incredibly gory. Nothing good comes from me snoozing at this time in my cycle.
The last few dreams I can remember consisted of the entire Eastenders cast and myself being brutally killed in an avalanche, or the night after, myself and my mum being forced to watch a small boy being garrotted whilst still awake. Charming eh?
Oh and did I mention that in ALL these dreams no one has a face? Where their face should be is replaced by a smooth mannequin style horror. The only reason I can think of for this is a (funnily enough) Bedtime Story book I was given as a child. I loved it, it had a story for every-night of the year. However, one of the stories about a wee boy who loses his face and is left with an oval dot on the end of his neck with absolutely no features. It still gives me the creeps at the ripe old age of 28.
It seems I'm not alone in my horrible
monthly dreams, the wonders of Google (and friends) show that many women have similar experiences. With most saying they are violent or sexually explicit. Who needs horror films when I have a private monthly showing of GoreFest 2011 playing in my subconscious once a month?
Sleep Tight. I'd say don't let the mannequins bite, but as they have no face they have no capacity to do so.
Sweet Dreams. X
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